Need Help Now?

  • Call the national R&DV Hotline: 1800 211 028
  • Speak to a volunteer wearing a yellow volunteer badge at an event
  • Speak to someone at our registration table at an event
  • Email Sam ( ph 0410 431 928)
  • Make an anonymous report to Jazz BANG online

Report an Incident

Need help?
Require medical attention?
Feel threatened?
Want to make us aware of inappropriate behaviour?

Don’t hesitate. Speak to us. Your safety is our priority.

What happens?

  1. We make sure you're ok.
  2. We act to ensure the safety of everyone at our event.
  3. These actions could include: checking for fires or other immediate dangers; warning a reported person; asking a reported person to leave the event; calling the police to have the reported person removed; notifying the police after the event; or banning a reported person from future events.
  4. We make a report for our own records.


  • We can accept a report in person, or by email;
  • You can report something you see happening to someone else;
  • We keep copies of reports confidential (and anonymous if necessary);
  • We keep records of reports and incidents so that we can improve our events and processes.

What are you reporting?

Breaches of our Code of Conduct.
This code outlines our position on sexual harassment, and alcohol and drug use at our event.